The scripture reference, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, is from Matthew 28:19-20 when Jesus told the disciples to go make more disciples throughout the world. The thought behind using a family is to reflect the beliefs of Macc Development and Mack Avenue Community Church which are that the neighborhood and world will be changed through discipleship, one family at a time. The mountains and the city represent the duality of the call to make disciples in cities or in villages. Artistically I wanted this mural to have a lot of motion to mirror the “Go” in the scripture so there would be bright, have great contrast, and complimentary colors to show that motion. Thanks to Macc Development for the opportunity and Ryan Wright for helping me paint the mural. I hope you enjoy seeing the process. 
 The Commons, was one of the ten Detroit-based businesses to receive the first inaugural Commerce Design Award. 
The award recognizes design-forward businesses that impacts and preserve the identity of the neighborhoods they're in.
One Fam Mural


One Fam Mural
